# Yeti - HTML + Laravel Template

# File Structure

Within the download you'll find the following directory and file structure:

├── README.md
├── public/
│	├── build/
│   │	├── css/
│   │	├── images/
│   │	├── fonts/
│   │	├── js/
│	│	└── ...
│	└── ...
├── resources/
│	├── css/
│	├── images/
│	├── js/
│	├── views/
│	│	├── layouts/
│	│	├── partials/
│	│	└── ...
│	└── ...
├── routes
│	├── web.php
│	└── ...
├── package.json
├── tailwind.config.js
├── webpack.mix.js
├── yarn.lock
└── ...

# Installation

# Prerequisites

Please install following prerequisites before setup:

# Setup

Download the package. On Laravel directory:

composer install

This will install all the composer packages.

You will find a file named .env.example, rename the given file name to .env.

php artisan key:generate

This will generate the key.


This will install all the node packages.

# Builds

You can run the following commands to build for development or production use.

# Development

yarn dev

# Production

yarn build